i have done some pretty crazy projects with my work. but, this one was the most difficult.
These fixtures are in the XANGO juice world headquarters. Xango juice is a heath drink. (its pretty tasty)
well these where done by my dad and i only!
it took us one full month six days a week. working from 4am-9pm.
alot alot alot of sweat, blood, and tears went into this. especially tears! i was so exhausted by the
end day everything would make me cry lol its funny now but sure wasnt then.

everything was done on site! so only a few tools where used here.
what you are looking at exactly is fixtures made out of corian. corian is a solid surface used for countertops. you'll see it in some homes and alot of commercial buildings. but.... not so much like this.
my dad was the first person to ever try actually thermal forming corian.... obviously it worked!
so in a way this is all white plastic that was heated up and bent and put together. to form these fixtures
the cool thing about corian is that the glue you use to put everything together is a perfect color match to the material so it gives it the look that there are no seams.
all of these fixtures look to be as though there all one piece
another project i have done similar to this you may be more familar with is:
Apple computer
go check out a store everything in there that's white i made!