Tuesday, June 9, 2009
got the job!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Job Interview
The HR lady there who interviewed me said the only problem they had was me not being able to start until the first of July.. So I am guessing that's a good sign I have a job with them!
I also had very good letters of recomendations from people that actually work high up in Fetzers so I am pretty sure I will hear some good news next week (fingers crossed).
I don't know exactly what job I will be getting yet. I know project manager is a possiblity! also, drafting, traveling for installs, ect. I can pretty much do any job there, so who knows where they will put me when they hire me.
I really hope this works out for me! They have great pay, great benifits, they will even pay for college if they want me to take a higher up position!
What more could I ask for... Well maybe having it closer would be nice, since its 45 minute drive from my house.
Wish me Luck!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
truck :)

I really really want to thank the guys over at elite customs for doing this paint job and fixing the damages when the truck got broken into! it has made it alot more stress free! they did the painting for FREE! which is absolutely amazing! i dont know how i am going to ever thank them enough! and everything they fixed worked out great and the pricing!!! we saved $600 out of pocket with them and got a free paint job! wow i really really really appriciate it! i thank them so much for going threw all this effort for me!
the truck will be getting some more stuff on it soon, headlights and tail lights soon soon, then a bigger lift, more custom paint work, window tint, supercharge done ect. ect. I CANT WAIT
and of course i will be having ELITE do everything!!!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Laat me met rust!
Peace is a state of balance and understanding in yourself and between others, where respect is gained by the acceptance of differences, tolerance persists, conflicts are resolved through dialog, people's rights are respected and their voices are heard, and everyone is at their highest point of serenity without social tension.
I would like the absence of aggression, violence, and hostility.. please
some steps for bringing peace to your mind:
Choose carefully where we spend time.
If you have a spare 15 minutes, don't just automatically switch on the TV or surf the internet. take the opportunity to be still or at least do something positive. the problem is the mind feels insecure unless it has something to occupy it. however, when we really attain a clear mind we discover it creates a genuine sense of happiness and inner peace.
Control of thoughts
it is our thoughts that determine our state of mind. If we constantly cherish negative and destructive thoughts, inner peace will always remain a far cry. At all costs, we need to avoid pursuing trains of negative thoughts.
" If you have inner peace, nobody can force you to be a slave to the outer reality" -Sri Chinmoy
Simplify your life
there are many things that we can do without, quite often we add unneccessary responsibilities to our schedule. Do the most significant tasks, on at a time, and enjoy doing them. to experience innner peace, it is essentail to avoid cluttering our life with unnecessary activities and worries.
Spend time to cultivate inner peace
Every day we spend at least 8 hours a day to earn money, can we not find time to spend 15 minutes to cultivate inner peace? no matter how much money we earn, it cannot bring us inner peace or happiness. but, if we spend 15 minutes on meditation and relaxation techinques inner peace can become a possibility. To experience this inner peace we cannot allow any thought to enter into our mind. true inner peace occurs when we can transcend the world of thoughts.
Be immune to flattery and criticism
If we depend on the opinions and praise of other people, we can never have inner peace. Criticism and flattery are two sides of the same coin. they are both the judgments of others. However, we should not allow ourselves to be affected to either. when we do, we feed the ego. we should learn to have confidence in ourselves. this does not mean we will love ourselves in an egotistical way, it means we value our real self and have a belief in the good qualities that are part of everyone.
Be active selflessly
Inner peace does not mean that we have to live a life of a hermit. inner peace, can be felt amidst dynamic activity. but, this action should be done with selfless motives. when we serve others we forget our sense of self, and it is when we forget our limited self that we have inner peace.
Avoid Criticising others
If we want inner peace, we should feel that our inner peace depends on the well being of others. if we are indifferent to the feelings of others, then it is important to have inner peace for ourselves. what we give out comes back. if you offer a peacful attitude to others this what we will see in return.
so please laat me met rust!
Monday, May 11, 2009
to my mommy for mothers day!

I would first of all like to thank you for putting up with me when i was in high school. I am very happy that i know you love and care for me. Even after some of the hard times that we have had. You have always been my best friend! I know that i can come to you for anything.. ANYTHING!.I love how me and you can talk on the phone for hours and have it be about nothing in general. i love how me and you can laugh and eachother when we do something silly. i love how honest you are with me and how you still feel like a little security blanket for me. I love the fact that i can look up to you and call you my hero. I always love it when people say they remind me of you. it is the biggest complement i could ever recieve! I hope one day I can be a wonderful and caring mom like you are. I hope one day i can be my kids best friend. I am very excited for the day when i can send my kids over to Omas house! I love how i can have a wonderful day with you when it is just us cracking jokes at things on the tv. I love how much of an influence you have been to me! I love how i can look up to you for marriage, and just life in general.
mom, you are the most beautiful,fun,amazing, person! I hope that you know how much i care for you and that you will always be the person i cant live without!
i love you mommy!
I would also like to thank all the other mothers that are in my life! granparents, my mother in law, aunts, ect. You guys are all amazing! i love you guys to death, and appriciate everything you have taught me!Thank you so much stacey, for letting me be apart of your family! thank you for giving me such an amazing husband, and teaching him to be a good husband... i know he learned all that from you! I am very lucky to have a mother in-law like you!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
just my luck...
monday: my dad decided to do nothing while i was gone.. not even open the shop, so i had yelling customers while i was on vacation calling my phone and tuesday when i got back to work even more angry people yelling at me...
i had something else happen that i promised i wouldn't tell.... but it is also very upsetting
then i drive clear down to murray to pick up some sinks that i put on will call.. guess what there out of stock! so i drove down there for no reason, in stupid utah construction traffic. and all that company had to say was sorry
after i get back and start closing the shop..a guy walks in, he asks who could help him with tile and i said "that would be me" ... he laughed in my face looked at me funny and said,"never mind then i'll go somewhere else"...
so crying by now...
i get home and find out that the job i was suppose to be getting in the future ... was a lie.. thanks dad! so now the job that i really really was excited for, and depending on doesn't exsist.
Tuesday(today): wake up not feeling good, so i set up and appointment for my OBGYN and she cant see me unitl JULY!! so i have to go to this other male doctor i have never been to, and i still have to wait over a week to see him..
a guy comes in wanting a bid on a little top.. i gave him a price (which was very reasonable for the type of work) and he starts yelling at me! telling me "i dont know how to do math and that i am ripping him off". i break it down and explain the pricing to him and he tells me to "forget it, i'll find someone that has better knowledge of this"
shortly after this...
a kid comes in looking for a job. i tell him we are not hiring, then he asks me to sign this paper showing he came looking for a job here..(happens all the time, it's for unemployment) so i handed him the paper and he takes off running! i look down and notice he took off with my phone!!! so i watch where he is going.. call the police and let them know what happened....
GUESS WHAT... this was over an hour ago and the police still aren't here!!!!!
what the hell is going on?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
maybe someone can answer this quesion for me
half the time no one will end up doing business with us because we dont have enough tile, or granite in stock... why are people so freaking lazy! it only takes 30 min to drive to salt lake and look at granite slabs, and it only takes three days to get the tile they want..
people would rather spend the extra $2 a square foot for tile at home depot just because they can get it at once and not have to drive back there.
people would rather get granite there not completely in love with, just so they dont have to drive to salt lake!
with the tile thing also, because the economy is bad the companies we get the tile from, wont keep it in stock either. (they also dont want to lose money) so half the time it's not even are fault!
i really dont get this! DO YOU?
ugh people are idiots!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
my house someday!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009
what the world has come to!!!

They broke the driver side window. With the force of them breaking it, it put a dent in the door and the impact of the glass put scratches all over inside the truck. They ripped my seat my baby(truck) is a mess...
The total damages where totalled in at $1750!
The following items they stole where,
my ipod-$250
my purse- $40
and all my cards, social secuirity card, banking information and a bunch of other misc. items like cds.
well me being the idiot i am i had all my banking information so they put my account in the negative a whopping $385 including the money they stole when my account was in the positive which was about $75 (good thing we where broke when this happen lol)
So when this all happened they had a CSI unit come and they got a hold of some finger prints of the men. This is how they found out who the suspects where. One was a white guy the other was a mexican. They have both been in prison and the white guy actually only got out five days ago! and was in prision for 12 years!
Now this really upsets me about our govement! I pay my taxes so that these guys get food and all this other stuff while there in prison! and they haven't learned obviously, so they should seriously just kill these men off. They had there chance and failed so kill them off so i am not paying for them to have a free ride! It's really not fair! these low lifes get a free ride with rent,college degrees, food ect. Then they steal from someone that has actually had to work for what they have!
I am very lucky that i have good insurance and a bank who will refund me all of this sice the total on everything is a almost three grand in damage, but i'm still out a couple hundred dollars and i feel like i have been violated! plus, my truck will not be the same anymore..
But here is what makes me even more angry! these two men did all of this to me and the police still haven't even gone to arrest them yet!! they said they'll get to it tommorrow WTF!!! seriously!!!!
and another thing is... i can press charges and sue them and everything but, in the end it's not going to matter! they've both been in prison for over ten years and that didn't change a damn thing! what else can i do put them in prison again!? there not going to care it doesn't matter to them obviously! if they really dont care about life and they want to throw there lives away we should do just that for them and kill them off so they dont do this to anymore people.
where do i even go with this? when will i get my paid back for my expenses on what they did to everything i worked hard for?! what's sad is i wont. they wont get what they deserve, and i wont get my revenge on them.
I am however thankful that i wasnt around when they did this. Two men that just got out of prison?! who knows what they are capable of or what they had with them..
and i am really trying not to make a list of everything bad going on right now but i am having a really hard time.
everything that is in the passed i am trying to keep in the pass, but come on!!
i will be so so happy when these trial periods i am having are over...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
removing the last post
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
mitch and his pepsi!

Thursday, February 26, 2009
beyond words.....
I, how ever still haven't been able to get over it completely. I am defiantly not going to say it is a bad thing though.. Knowing the feelings that i felt when Mitch's friend called me to tell me Mitch was missing is a feeling i will never be able to explain. I have never in my life been so sad and scared. I was throwing up and couldn't control myself.
Mitch was finally found two hours later after i received a call. He had been missing for almost six hours total. Defiantly the longest two hours in my life!!!
When i finally got to see Mitch....I have never felt so thankful and blessed before. The feeling was incredible! Never has Mitch's skin been so soft, never has Mitch's smell smelt so good, never has Mitch made me collapse, never has Mitch's hugs felt so incredible, never has Mitch's kisses felt so perfect.
It was such an amazing feeling to have all of that warmth and love come over me! It has changed me for the fact that of course i knew i loved Mitch, i knew he was my life, i know he completes me and he's my everything. But, I never knew exactly how strong the love for my husband really was! how powerful love is! How truly truly grateful i am for Mitch, my sweet sweet husband!

I love you Mitchel! You are such an amazing person! every second i spend with you is a blessing!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
valentines day
....About 1 billion Valentine's Day cards are exchanged in US each year. That's the largest seasonal card-sending occasion of the year, next to Christmas.
....Women purchase 85% of all valentines.
....Parents receive 1 out of every 5 valentines.
....About 3% of pet owners will give Valentine's Day gifts to their pets.
....Worldwide, over 50 million roses are given for Valentine's Day each year.
....California produces 60 percent of American roses, but the vast number sold on Valentine's Day in the United States are imported, mostly from South America. Approximately 110 million roses, the majority red, will be sold and delivered within a three-day time period.
....73% of people who buy flowers for Valentine's Day are men, while only 27 percent are women.
....Men buy most of the millions of boxes of candy and bouquets of flowers given on Valentine's Day.
....In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling.
....The Italian city of Verona, where Shakespeare's lovers Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day.
....Richard Cadbury invented the first Valentines Day candy box in the late 1800s.
....The oldest surviving love poem till date is written in a clay tablet from the times of the Sumerians, inventors of writing, around 3500 B.C
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
far from the basics..............
About me……….
My name is Chelcie
I can drive manual
I own a gun.
I like how I can be funny sometimes
I think I am a nice person
I like rain
My cell phone carrier is t- mobile
Id rather be rich than famous
I burn when I tan
I love the sent of lemon cleaner
I love shapes and textures
My favorite pattern is harlequin
I wish I could speak Dutch
I day dream about tons of stuff
My favorite animal is a blue whale
I love the ocean for what is in it. Creatures and stuff.. Its interesting!
When I was little I use to make bread balls
I think stay at home moms have the best job in the world
I believe in affirmative action
I am against abortions
I like smoothies
I own two credit cards
I hit the snooze button on my alarm at least five times until I wake up
I always try to get out of doing laundry
My first kiss was when I was six
Cereal is my favorite food
I get stuck watching infomercials
The last cd I listened to was alice in chains
I have probably about four hours of free time each day
The last dream I had involved me trying to find a spider that kept running from me
I hate cleaning
I speed frequently
I like to learn random stuff so I can tell people
The last big purchase I made was new furniture
I can spend two hours at almost any store
my favorite fruit is a strawberry
My favorite vegetable is the potato
I cant sew I actually failed it in jr. high
But I can weld amazingly
I like to spray paint things
The strangest thing I have ever swallowed was a penny
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

he has the funniest and cuttest personality i have ever seen in a dog.
He is extremely smart and he thinks he's a hard ass lol. he'll kick his feet, walk bold leg and bark all the time. its hilarious to watch him.