I, how ever still haven't been able to get over it completely. I am defiantly not going to say it is a bad thing though.. Knowing the feelings that i felt when Mitch's friend called me to tell me Mitch was missing is a feeling i will never be able to explain. I have never in my life been so sad and scared. I was throwing up and couldn't control myself.
Mitch was finally found two hours later after i received a call. He had been missing for almost six hours total. Defiantly the longest two hours in my life!!!
When i finally got to see Mitch....I have never felt so thankful and blessed before. The feeling was incredible! Never has Mitch's skin been so soft, never has Mitch's smell smelt so good, never has Mitch made me collapse, never has Mitch's hugs felt so incredible, never has Mitch's kisses felt so perfect.
It was such an amazing feeling to have all of that warmth and love come over me! It has changed me for the fact that of course i knew i loved Mitch, i knew he was my life, i know he completes me and he's my everything. But, I never knew exactly how strong the love for my husband really was! how powerful love is! How truly truly grateful i am for Mitch, my sweet sweet husband!
I am so lucky to have my soul mate! I am so lucky to have such an amazing man in my life! That little trip has changed me for the fact that i really know how much love i have for someone, and that feeling is beyond words!

I love you Mitchel! You are such an amazing person! every second i spend with you is a blessing!
We really like Mitch! I was happy he was o.k. and that you are doing better too.