Most of you know Mitch LOVES Pepsi..
Most of you also know Mitch LOVES leaving half drank Pepsi EVERY WHERE!
I have tried and tried breaking him of this habit but it's no use! we would probably save hundreds if Mitch would actually drink the whole Pepsi! and it would save me time cause i am constantly picking up those stupid Pepsi cans! and i am the one that got kidney stones (go figure).
well... with me being sick for a week i hadn't been cleaning. Mitch helped clean but it was more of a GUYS KIND OF CLEANING(if you cant see the garbage it's not there). Well with me feeling better i decided to clean on Saturday.. I found Mitch's hiding spot! between the two couches was a whole village of Pepsi cans! (why is it so difficult to just throw away something when your done?)
so here are the lovely pictures (mobile photos sorry) of all the stuff from Mitch that he left between the two couches!

Here is the list of what was all between the couches;
1 can of beer
2 7 up cans
1 glass jar of pickles! (empty but with juice.. yuck!)
1 litter of Pepsi
5 cans of Pepsi
that's TEN things that where all hidden between the couches!

this use to be frustrating.. but now it's funny.. so that is why i am sharing it with you! go a head and have a laugh. I laugh at this every day.
Welcome to my life when Mitch lived at home!! HA HA. The only difference is--that is what his bedroom looked like when he lived at home. We used to hate when he left his blinds up, the window sill was lined with Pepsi cans.